Sunday, August 6, 2006

Show Time!

Well the Moai were inflated for 12 hours while bands played and dancers danced. Only two reports of deflation most likely caused by kicking the breaker on the powerstrip one of the heads was plugged into. By the time I was called to the stage the nodding off head was wide awake. Two of the light guage reusable zip-ties gave out in the wind but I had anticipated much worse. I will replace the ties with heavy guage ones before their next public appearance. We only used one of the sdie D-rings to tie the heads down, with all three used I doubt the 2 zip-ties would have failed.

As we were packing the heads up somebody asked if we rent them for parties. I told her we hadn't had time to even think about it as they were just finished. We'll see if she contacts us anytime soon.