Thursday, July 27, 2006


Now I'm really under the gun!

I needed to acquire fabric quickly and get home to work on this stuff. Since I have a rather small window to shop I would go where the selection is and not worry about finding the best deal. -assuming I could even find this fabric elsewhere

I had a number of choices in the color department but I was a little worried that rip stop nylon wouldn't hold the air well enough so I went with the only coated rip stop they had... Metallic Gold! This will be the Elvis of Moai!

Actually the gold should work out well. There is a concern that the more sensible colors would fade into the stage, as it is all black and gray with a blue sky behind it.

I also grabbed a few yards of a brown rip stop to act as shadowing for the nose and eyes.

I was out the door in record time -for me- and spent under $80 for 18 yards.